Chilling Plants

Chilling Plants

Water/Brine Chilling Plants

Water chilling plants are used when the water is required at a temperature that is below the ambient temperature or when the cooling water temperature from the cooling tower is insufficient. Water chilling plants are mainly used in cooling and maintaining temperature of industrial equipment and machines, cooling of drinking water etc.

In water chilling plants the water is chilled with the help of refrigeration system. For achieving cooling temperature below 0°C, Brine can also be added into the system.

Sr No Type Of Chiller Range
1 Water Chilling Plant or Brine Chilling Plant Air Cooled or Water cooled 1 Tr to 50 Tr

Air Chillers

Air chillers are used when the air is required at a temperature that is below the ambient temperature. The air chiller cools compressed air to a temperature of +5 °C economically without applying CO2 or N2. It is used in cooling and maintaining temperature of output product from machines, providing cold air to processes, laboratory etc.

VISITOR # 1386555